Klappentext: The Yoga Upanisad-s. This volume contains english translation of twenty Upanisad-s like Advayataraka, Amrtanada, Yogatattva, Nadabindu, Hamsa, etc. They teach the Astangayoga, Rajayoga, Layayoga, Hatayoga, Mantrayoga, Karmayoga, etc.
Their aim is to help man in controlling his mind so that he can realize the oneness of the individual self with the Supreme Self, and thereby attain final liberation.
Aus dem Inhalt:
- Preface
- Advayatarakopanisad
- Amrtanadopanisad
- Amrtabindupanisad
- Ksurikopanisad
- Tejobindupanisad
- Trisíkhibrahmanopanisad
- Darsánopanisad
- Dhyanabindupanisad
- Nadabindupanisad
- Pasúpatabrahmopanisad
- Brahmavidyopanisad
- Mandalabrahmanopanisad
- Mahavakyopanisad
- Yogakundalyupanisad
- Yogacudamanyupanisad
- Yogatattvopanisad
- Yogasíkhopanisad
- Varahopanisad
- Sandilyopanisad
- Hamsopanisad