Aus dem Inhalt:
- Introduction of the concept
- Yogasana – an adhyatmik academy
- At the gate of the academy
- Cosmic treatment and beyond in asanas
- Extraordinarily deeper exhalation in asana
- Sociology of body: asanas
- Psychology of asanas
- Asanas by the body
- Five centricities
- Revealing philosophical terms
- Academy of Jnana, Karma, Dhyana, Bhakti
- Mind – the versatile organ
- Karma mimansa in asanas
- Karma classification: I
- Karma classification: II
- Oral act in asanas
- Literacy of Karma consciousness
- Jnan mimansa in asanas
- Body<mind<breath triad
- Asanopathy
- Diagnostics
- Pharmacology
- Prana Kriyas I
- Chakra Kriyas
- Tattva Kriyas
- Prana Kriyas II
- Pathological perspective of chakras and tatvas
- Tridosha perspective of pathology
- Triguna pathology
- Asanopathy Adhibhautik
- Walking exercise has become a therapy
- Asanic Kriya complex
- Asana-Ethico-Religious Act
- Asanology – Asanography – Asanic
- Breatho-Logy
- Mind-ology in asanas and breath
- Exhalationics