Untertitel: A journey to health for bigger people
Klappentext: Yoga XXL shows you how to create a safe, enjoyable, and effective yoga practice no matter what your age, size, shape, or physical fitness level. Yoga is not just for the lean and limber. With modified postures and props, everyone can experience yoga’s many health benefits including increased flexibility, strength, stamina, balance, energy, and calm.
For the person who has never done yoga before or the regular practitioner looking to refine their practice at home, Yoga XXL includes:
- Practical information about clothing, mats, and equipment
- Over 50 postures in an variety of positions including seated, lying down, and standing, chosen specifically for people with larger bodies and those with limited mobility
- Variations to accomodate every body shape, size, and fitness level to ensure comfort and safety
- Postures to ease back aches, tight muscles, and joint stiffness
- Quick daily routines to help recharge and relieve stress throughout the day
- Detailed instructions and photos illustrating each pose, and much more…
Ingrid Kollak, RN, PhD, is a licensed yoga teacher accredited by the German and European professional boards of yoga teachers and has taught yoga in settings as varied as tranquil Indian retreats and international conferences. She has been a professor at Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences (ASH) in Berlin since 1995. She is responsible for the Health Care Management bachelor’s and master’s programs and since 2010 has led the Biographical and Creative Writing master’s program. She holds a doctorate in German literature and is a registered nurse. Her books include Nursing Theories, Yoga for Nurses, and Yoga and Breast Cancer.
Aus dem Inhalt:
- Foreword
- Acknowledgments
- Part I – How to use this book
- Chapter 1. Yoga is for everybody
- Healthy yogis come in all sizes
- How yoga works
- Body awareness
- Self-awareness and self-reliance
- Chapter 2. Getting started
- General notes of caution
- Breathing and Moving
- Clothing and equipment
- Finding the right yoga class
- Develop your own yoga practice
- Keeping a personal journey
- The structure of this book
- Yoga is joy
- Chapter 1. Yoga is for everybody
- Part II – Yoga for people with bigger bodies
- Chapter 3. Postures lying on the back (supine)
- Supine starting posture
- Shanti asana
- Lying palm tree posture
- Lying tree posture
- Modified crocodile posture
- Hip joint rotation
- Supine knee rotation
- Knees to chest
- Supine arms and legs stretch
- Spider posture
- Shoulder bridge
- Chapter 4. Postures lying on the side
- Leg lift sideways
- Head lift sideways
- Chapter 5. Postures lying on the stomach (prone)
- Prone arms and legs stretch
- Prone shanti asana
- Sphinx posture
- Cobra posture
- Lying bow posture
- Chapter 6. Seated postures and bow
- Staff posture
- Seated posture on a chair
- Head to knee
- Modified turtle posture
- Head bow sideways
- Fish posture
- Modified table posture
- Chapter 7. Seated postures and rotations
- Head rotation
- Head and arm coordination
- Arm rotation with outstretched arms
- Arm rotation with bent arms
- Hand lotus posture
- Chapter 8. Kneeling postures
- Sitting on the hills
- Cow posture
- Tiger posture
- Threading the needle posture
- Torso rotation
- Child posture
- Child and tiger posture
- Modified folded leaf posture
- Modified side rest
- Chapter 3. Postures lying on the back (supine)
- Chapter 9. Standing postures and bows
- Upright standing posture
- …
- Chapter 10. Standing postures with rotations
- Torso rotation
- Hip rotation
- …
- Chapter 11. Balancing postures
- Palm tree posture
- Tree posture
- …
- Chapter 12. Inversions
- Modified shoulder stand
- Legs up the wall
- …
- Chapter 13. Eye exercises
- Focus near and far
- The lying eight
- …
- Chapter 14. Pranayama
- Alternate nostril breathing
- Tiger breathing
- …
- Chapter 15. Relaxing postures
- Kaya kriyas
- Yoga Nidra
- Chapter 16. Awareness and meditation
- Walking meditation
- Meditation on your body
- …
- Part III – Postures in flowing motion
- Chapter 17. Swinging arms
- Chapter 18. Fancy leg and foot work
- Chapter 19. Arm and leg coordination
- Part IV – Routines to help you develop a daily yoga practice
- Enjoy yoga every day
- Notes of caution
- Remember
- Have a quick look
- Chapter 20. To wake up
- Chapter 21. To relief tension
- Chapter 22. To recharge
- Chapter 23. To sleep well
- Resources and recommended readings
- Notes
- Index