The quintessential guide to yoga assisting and hands-on-teaching, „Yoga Adjustments“ introduces the art and practice of providing yoga assist to yoga students. Expert instructor and best-selling author Mark Stephens covers the philosophy of yoga practice, the sensibilities of touch in teaching yoga and improving alignment, the seven principles of hands-on yoga teaching, and the twenty-five most effective methods of tactile cueing. An invaluable resource for all yoga teachers, teacher trainers, and serious yoga students, this book includes more than 850 unique instructional photos and explanatory captions demonstrating precise ways of guiding 105 yoga asanas (postures).
Untertitel: Philosophy, principles, and techniques
Aus dem Inhalt:
- Foreword by Shiva Rea
- Preface
- Part I: Foundations 1
- Chapter 1: Philosophy and sensibility in giving yoga adjustments
- The heart of practicing and guiding yoga
- Crossing the bridge from practicing to guiding
- Guiding with your hands
- Touch, somatics and self-transformation
- Yoga practice and teaching revisited
- Ethics in teaching and touching
- The inner teacher
- Chapter 2: The seven principles of hands-on teaching
- Teach what you know
- Ask permission to touch
- Have clear intention
- Move with the breath
- Honor safe biomechanics
- Teach essential asana elements
- Support stable foundation
- Chapter 3: Foundations and techniques in giving yoga adjustments
- Learning to see and understand students in asanas
- Further approaching, assessing, and communication with students
- Qualities of touch
- How not to touch
- Five basic steps in giving hands-on cues and assistance
- Yoga adjustment positioning and techniques
- Departing a student
- Chapter 1: Philosophy and sensibility in giving yoga adjustments
- Part II: Applications
- Chapter 4: Standing asanas
- Tadasana,
- Utkatasana
- …..
- Chapter 5: Abdominal core integration
- Jathara Parivartanasana
- Tolasana
- …
- Chapter 6: Arm support and balance
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Phalakasana
- …
- Chapter 7: Back bends
- Salabhasana
- Bhujangasana
- …
- Chapter 8: Seated and supine twists
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Marichyasana
- …
- Chapter 9: Seated and supine forward bends and hip openers
- Dandasana
- Paschimottanasana
- …
- Chapter 10: Inversions
- Halasana
- Salamba Sarvangasana
- …
- Chapter 4: Standing asanas
- Part III: Evolution
- Chapter 11: Guiding yoga in the twenty-first century
- Appendix A – Asana in Sanskrit and English
- Appendix B – Glossary
- Appendix C – Additional resources
- Notes
- References
- Index
- About the Author