Auch wenn das Versprechen des Titels, Bengali in 30 Tagen zu lernen, wohl etwas übertrieben erscheint, handelt es sich bei diesem indischen Buch um eine passable Hilfe für das Erlernen des Bengali.
Aus dem Inhalt:
- First Part: Alphabet & Pronunciation
- Alphabet-Vowels
- Consonants
- Pronunciation of some consonants
- Identify the correct letters
- Simple words
- Vowel-consonants: combination
- Simple words
- Conjuncts
- Conjuncts of Three Letters
- Semi-Vowels
- Second Part
- Pronouns
- Verbs
- Relations
- Parts of the Body
- Parts of building
- Timings
- Week days
- Months
- Birds
- Animals
- Edibles
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Nature
- Directions and Sides
- Place
- Numbers
- Ordinal Numbers
- Measurements
- Politics
- Adjective
- Feelings
- Education
- Press
- Post
- Industries
- Third Part
- Sentences of Two words
- Sentences of Three words
- Imperative Sentences
- Interrogative Sentences
- House
- My country
- Market
- With Friend
- Post Office
- An Hour Time
- Fourth Part
- Imperative Verb
- To Be
- Present Tense
- Past Tense
- Future Tense
- Conjunction
- Number
- Case-endings
- Case-endings with ‚Baalak‘
- Nominative Case
- Objective & Dative Cases
- Instrumental Case
- Ablative Case
- Possessive Case
- Locative Case
- Pronouns with Case-ending
- First Person
- Second Person
- Third Person
- Present Continuous
- Past Continuous
- Future Continuous
- Present Perfect
- Past Perfect
- Infinitive & Past Conjunctive
- Compound Verb
- The Use Of O-I-Ta
- Negative Sentences
- For reading
- Fifth Part
- Sentence
- Our Bengal
- Baiju Bawra
- Then What Can I Do
- Durga Puja
- The Clever crow
- Benevolence
- Sri Vivekanand
- Ravindranath Tagore
- Letters
- Conversation
- Shantiniketan (conversation)
- Kabita o Gaan
- Transliteration-Fourth Part
Leseempfehlung: für das Erlernen des Bengali mit Englisch als Basis recht gut geeignet