Untertitel: With text and translation and commentary in the words of Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo sieht in der Botschaft der Gita die Grundlage der spirituellen Bewegung, die die Menschheit in die Befreiung führen wird, die ein Ende von Falschheit und Ingnoranz und den Beginn der Wahrhaftigkeit bedeutet.
Von Anfang an hat die Bhagavadgita einen großen spirituellen Einfluß ausgeübt. Durch die neue Interpretation von Sri Aurobindo ist dieser maßgeblich gestiegen.
Aus dem Inhalt:
- Introduction
- The spirit of approach
- The core of the teaching
- First chapter
- Kurukshetra
- Note on the translation
- Second chapter
- The creed of the Aryan fighter
- Sankhya and yoga
- The yoga of the intelligent will
- Third chapter
- Works and sacrifice
- The principle of divine works
- The determinism of nature
- Fourth chapter
- The possibility, purpose and process of Avartarhood
- The divine worker
- The significance of sacrifice
- Knowledge and yoga of works
- Fifth chapter
- Knowledge, equality and yoga of works
- Nirvana and works in the world
- Six chapter
- Nirvana, equality and works in the world
- Seventh chapter
- The two natures
- The synthesis of devotion and knowledge
- Eighth chapter
- The supreme divine
- Ninth chapter
- The secret of secrets
- Works, devotion and knowledge
- Tenth chapter
- The supreme word of the Gita
- God in power of becoming
- Eleventh chapter
- The vision of the world-spirit – time the destroyer
- The vision of the world-spirit – the double aspect
- Twelfth chapter
- The way and the bhakta
- Thirteenth chapter
- The field and its knower
- Fourteenth chapter
- Above the gunas
- Fifteenth chapter
- The three purushas
- Sixteenth chapter
- Deva and Asura
- Seventeenth chapter
- The gunas, faith and works
- Eighteenth chapter
- The gunas, mind and works
- Swabhava and Swadharma
- Towards the supreme secret
- The supreme secret
- Appendix
- The historicity and the spiritual reality of Sri Krishna
- The Gita and the message of Sri Aurobindo
- The secret of divine incarnations