Herausgegeben von Tony Rodriguez, Dr. Kanshi Ram
Das Buch enthält nach einer vorangestellten Einführung eine mit erläuternden Kommentaren versehene englische Übersetzung des Textes. Der Text steht im Anhang vollständig in Devanagari ohne Abbildungen der Asanas.
Klappentext: In Yoga the question of boundaries, the constant talk about the various yogas, is, to a vary large extent, an artificial one, mind-created. Translators and commentators have constantly and shortsightedly referred to the Gheranda Samhita as a Hatha-Yoga classic. Normally presented as the most basic and material of all yogas, it is understood quite liberally by all sorts of authorities and grossly interpreted by guru and disciple alike. Such teaching, when partially grasped and separated from the whole, constitute a poor caricature of the Sacred Science. The same is true of so many ‚exciting‘ and ’new‘ meditation techniques being propounded nowadays; transcendent only in their refined materialism in the „What’s in it for me“ attitude. Such reflections have prompted the author to reveal, for the first time, many of the inner or spiritual aspects of this Pure Yoga treatise. Hence the present work, which is much more than just Hatha-Yoga teachings, as popularly and most properly understood. Trough whole and eternal, Yoga is constantly being lost; it is also constantly being found. Wise indeed is he who finds it.
Leseempfehlung: für das Studium des Textes im Gesamtkontext des Yoga gut geeignete Ausgabe