Von einem in spiritueller Praxis erfahrenen Mann geschrieben, gibt das Buch einen authentischen Überblick über das Thema aus traditioneller Sicht. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf den praktischen Aspekten – die Leser finden eine Übersicht über die verschiedenen Yogatechniken mit praktischen Hinweisen für die Übungspraxis.
Das Buch enthält alle für das Verstehen und die Kontrolle des Verstandes wichtigen Techniken. Der Autor beschreibt detailliert den Raja-, Hatha-, Karma-, Kundalini-, Jnana- und Mantra-Yoga.
Im Kapitel zum Raja-Yoga wird das Yoga Sutra des Patanjali vorgestellt und kommentiert. Schließlich werden auch verschiedene moderne Meditationsmethoden vom Autor eingehend untersucht.
Aus dem Inhalt:
- Preface
- Why meditate?
- Mechanics of the mind
- Thought power
- The self
- Karma and reincarnation
- What does yoga have to do with it?
- The basics of meditation
- Guide to meditation
- Health for meditation
- A peaceful diet
- Karma yoga
- Concentration: Theory
- Power of concentration
- Pleasure and the mind
- Best friend: Worst enemy
- Concentration: Practice
- The eight steps
- Attention
- Establishing the practice
- Meditation
- Mind: Master or servant?
- From the unreal to the real
- Wild horses
- Advanced meditation
- Japa meditation: Theory
- The yoga of physics
- Sound: The seed of all mather
- Sound as enerfy
- Usind sound vibrations for meditation
- Initiation into a mantra
- Japa meditation: Practice
- Saguna mantras
- Mantras for Japa
- Gayatri mantra
- Gayatries of different deities
- Nirguna mantras
- Abstract mantras
- Bija mantras, mystic seed letters
- Meditation with the mantra
- Hatha yoga meditation – Kundalini
- Kundalini shakti
- The chakras
- Jnana yoga meditation: Vedantic theory
- Vedanta
- The veils of illusion
- Who is the „I“?
- Adhyaropa
- Nyayas
- Jnana yoga meditation: Vedantic practice
- Neti neti: Not this, not this
- Shakshi Bhav: Witness state
- Abheda Bodha Vakya: Eliminating name and form
- Laya chintana: Absorption
- Panchikarana: Doctrine of quintuplication
- Mahavakyas or the great proclamations
- Bhagatyaga Lakshana
- Bhakti yoga meditation
- Converting the emotions
- Form of devotion
- Raja yoga sutras: Theory
- The road to samadhi
- Raja yoga sutras: Practice
- Yoga sadhana
- Divine manifestations of power
- Liberation
- Electronic meditation
- What is biofeedback?
- Beyond relaxation
- Externals vs internals
- Obstacles to meditation
- Cessation of practice
- Health and diet
- Laziness and sleep
- Complications of daily life
- Useless conversation
- Uprooting the ego
- The emotions
- Discouragement
- Loss of the vital energy
- The mind itself
- Obstacles for the experienced meditator
- Experiences in meditation
- Various experiences in meditation
- Anahata sounds
- Lights in meditation
- Mystiic experiences of sadhakas
- In the hours of meditation
- Vision of god
- Feeling of seperation
- Cosmic consciousness
- Blissful experience
- Mind moves
- Bhuta-ghanas
- Glimpses of the self
- Jyotiramaya Darshan