Krishnamacharya von A. G. Mohan


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Zustand: neu – Sprache: Englisch – Jahr: 1. Auflage 2010 – ISBN: 9781590308004 – Abmessungen: 15 x 23 cm – Seitenzahl: 157 – Einband: Softcover – Verlag: Shambala – Gewicht: 330g

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Untertitel: His life and teachings

Klappentext: Here is a personal tribute to “the father of modern yoga” Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888–1989), written by one of his longtime disciples. Krishnamacharya was a renowned Indian yoga master, Ayurvedic healer, and scholar who modernized yoga practice and whose students—including B. K. S. Iyengar, K. Pattabhi Jois, T. K. V. Desikachar, and Indra Devi—dramatically popularized yoga in the West.

In this book, the author, A. G. Mohan, a well-respected yoga teacher and yoga therapist, draws on his own memories and Krishnamacharya’s diaries and recorded material, to present a fascinating view of the man and his teachings, and Mohan’s own warm and inspiring relationship with the master. This portrait of the great teacher will be a compelling and informative read for yoga teachers and students who truly want to understand the source of their tradition and practice.

A. G. Mohan studied with Sri T. Krishnamacharya for eighteen years until the master’s death in 1989. He is the author of numerous books. He lives in Chennai, India, with his wife, Indra, and son, Ganesh. The Mohans also teach workshops in the United States, India, and Europe.

Aus dem Inhalt:

  • Preface
  • Author`s introduction
  • 1. Overview of the life of Krishnamacharya
  • 2. Meeting the master and early studies (1971 -1973)
  • 3. Asana
  • 4. Convincing Commitment (1973 – 1978)
  • 5. Pranayama, Kriyas, Yoga therapy
  • 6. Growing closer (1978 – 1984)
  • 7. The mind: Yamas, niyamas, meditation, and related practices
  • 8. Last years (1984 – 1989)
  • 9. Works with Krishnamacharya
  • Appendix I – II
  • About the authors

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