Anatomy of yoga reveals in instructive detail the physical discipline that leads to greater awareness of mind and body- Step-by-step instructions explain how to achieve each pose and full-color photographs illustrate the correct form. These are coupled with remarkable, computer-generated, fully anotated anatomical illustrations that identify the musculature. With a new understanding of which are the active and stabilizing muscles you can maximaize the benefit of each asana, or pose. You will be guided through proper breathing techniques and a variety of asanas to incorporate into sequences that are suitable for the absolute beginner to the most advanced yogi. Numerous asides, such as modifications, „best for“ and what-to-avoid information boxes, as well as contradictions and cautions, help you strive for excellence while avoiding injury.
Aus dem Inhalt:
- English and sanskrit names with their meaning
- Breathing basics and the spine
- Yoga warm-up and cool-down
- Standing poses
- Forward bends
- Backbends
- Seated poses and twists
- Poses that balance arms
- Arm support and inversions
- Restorative Poses
- Sequences
- Glossaries
Dr. Abigail Ellsworth is a certified trainer and Pilates specialist. She is the owner of the Pilates, Therapy and Wellness Center of Westchester, New York, and is the author of Pilates Anatomy and Massage Anatomy.
Leseempfehlung: für Yogalehrer