Untertitel: For health, happiness, and a better world
Reich bebildert werden die einzelnen Asanas Schritt für Schritt beschrieben – zusätzlich untermalt von Zitaten von B.K.S. Iyengar – in denen der Meister dem Leser die Weisheit der alten Yogatexte vermittelt, in denen er aber auch von seinen eigenen Lebenserfahrungen berichtet. Dadurch erhält der Leser auch einen Einblick in die physischen und spirituellen Wirkungen, die mit der Praxis von Yoga verbunden sind.
Aus dem Inhalt:
- Foreword
- Reflections on my life
- How yoga transformed me
- Dandasana
- Janu Sirsasana
- My Guruji
- Marichyasana I
- The Light on my yoga
- Tadasana
- How the Iyengar method evolved
- Utthita Trikonasana
- Virabhadrasana II
- On using props
- Baddha Konasana
- Upavistha Konasana
- Viraparita Dandasana
- A creative approach
- Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Halasana
- Purvottanasana
- The Iyengar legacy
- A continuing practice
- Parsvottanasana
- A day in the life
- Yoga and aging
- Ustrasana
- Bhujangasana I
- On death and dying
- Savasana
- Light on daily practice
- Yoga defined
- Methods of yoga
- Patanjali and his yoga sutra
- Salamba Sirsasana
- Yoga is for all
- The supple and the stiff body
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Yoga for women
- Paripurna Navasana
- Jathara Parivartanasana
- Invocatory prayers
- On asana
- Parivrtta Trikonasana
- Vasisthasana
- Alignment in asana
- Virabhadrasana I
- Garudasana
- The thread of intelligence
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Utthita Hasta Padasana
- Urdhva Hastasana
- An intense practice
- Uttanasana
- Ardha Matsyendrasana I
- Finding the center of gravity
- Sirsasana variations
- The sensivity of skin
- Halasana
- Karnapidasana
- I am asana
- Salamba Sarvangasana
- Parsvakonasana
- The art of sitting
- Svastikasana
- Siddhasana
- Virasana
- Bhadrasana
- How I began pranayama
- Patanjali on pranayama
- Savasana
- The importance of chinlock
- Preparation for bandhas
- Jalandhara Bandha
- Pranayama and deep breathing
- Ujjayi pranayama
- Viloma pranayama
- Nadi Sodhana
- Patanjali on meditation
- Padmasana
- The mantra-aum
- Malasana I
- Evolving as a yogi
- Pincha Mayurasana
- Virabhadrasana III
- The art of teaching
- Preparing for Salamba Sirsasana
- Bharadvajasana
- A yogic approach to life
- Yoga and the body
- Vrksasana
- Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
- Utkatasana
- Yoga and blood circulation
- Viparita Karani
- Marichyasana III
- Pasasana
- The spinal column
- Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Yoga for overall health
- Encouraging relaxation
- Yoga for a stress-free life
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana
- Salamba Sirsasana
- Yoga and ethical living
- Paschimottanasana
- Yoga and diet
- Yoga as a nature cure
- Can yoga be a therapy?
- Sarapanjarasana
- Yoga for a mental equilibrium
- Setubandha Sarvangasana
- Yoga for a better life
- Halasana to Paschimottanasana
- Yoga for athlets
- Supta Virasana
- Baddha Konasana
- Yoga and dance
- Natarajasana
- Yoga for children
- Viparita Chakrasana
- Glossary
- Asana index
- Citations
- Acknowledgements